Shungite Tumble

Shungite Tumble

  • $17.00
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  • Elements: Fire, Wind
  • Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown
  • Zodiacs: Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio 
  • Planets: Saturn 

Shungite has a massive energy of healing powers to assist any person in need. Shungite naturally has electrical conducting properties that help inhibit electromagnetic radiation. Placing Shungite at the base of the electronic and on the back of your phone will help drastically reduce the radial output without interfering with the operations. Using Shungite has multiple effects on the body, including activation of all chakras. It’s used to detoxify the body and rid the mind of negativity while contributing as an aura cleanser. Shungite is a must-have for people with difficult and uncontrollable emotions. It allows for light to fill the body and negativity to be removed. Wearing any piece of jewelry or having any form of it on you will greatly increase your protective shield. Shungite’s deep rooting capability will house sacred energies that can be easily summoned for shielding of any kind. Shungite can help you better integrate cosmic wisdom and karmic lessons, as its high vibration helps to bring your spiritual body down into the physical plane. Shungite encourages you to learn more, to do more, and to push onward toward the next spiritual breakthrough. It's also associated with great cosmic mysteries and is said to bring light during times of darkness or uncertainty.