Garnet Tumble

  • $8.88
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  • Element: Fire, Earth
  • Chakras: Root
  • Planets: Mars
  • Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius 

Garnet awakens our inner-fire and helps produce some of the strongest life force energy. Pure strength and fortitude is activated within and confidence in yourself will raise to an all-time high. Your everyday focus will start pertaining more to yourself and your personal growth and understanding who you truly are in this world. The energy that radiates from Garnet restores proper order to our spirit body by giving us control over ourselves. Garnet is a tool of manifestation energy. The energy helps bring our desires to life and expand upon our internal dreams. Hold and speaking directly into your crystal, expressing what your heart wants. As you release these vocal commands, remind yourself of your goals and further plant the seed in your head. This seed will begin to blossom and grow as you begin to undertake the mission and manifest itself into your new reality. 

This listing is for one raw garnet tumble. Due to item being a naturally occurring formation no two pieces will look exactly alike.